Composts & Manures Show filters Hide filters Filter products Clear selection Online availibility In stock, ready to order (17) (Product Type) Peat Free (6) Clear selection (Brand) Levington (5) Miracle-Gro (1) Westland (12) Clear selection £ - Clear selection 1 - 18 of 18 productsItems per page1224364860AllSort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity Levington Multi-Purpose Compost 40L £ 6.99More infoAdd to Basket491 units in stock Westland Jack's Magic All Purpose Compost 50L £ 8.99More infoAdd to Basket546 units in stock Levington John Innes No.3 30L £ 6.99More infoAdd to Basket27 units in stock Levington John Innes No.2 30L £ 6.99More infoAdd to Basket14 units in stock Miracle-Gro Rose, Tree & Shrub Compost 40L (Peat Free) £ 7.99More infoAdd to Basket28 units in stock Levington John Innes No.1 30L £ 6.99More infoAdd to Basket25 units in stock Westland The Gardener's Multi-Purpose 50L £ 5.99More infoAdd to Basket60 units in stock Westland Ericaceous Planting & Potting Mix 50L £ 7.99More infoAdd to Basket114 units in stock Westland Top Soil 30L £ 5.99More infoAdd to Basket257 units in stock Westland Farmyard Manure 50L £ 5.99More infoAdd to Basket358 units in stock Westland Multi-Purpose With John Innes 50L (Peat Free) £ 7.99More infoAdd to Basket227 units in stock Westland Boost All Purpose Compost 46L £ 7.99More infoAdd to Basket132 units in stock Westland Tree & Shrub Planting & Potting 50L (Peat Free) £ 8.99More infoAdd to Basket75 units in stock Westland John Innes No.3 28L (Peat Free) £ 6.99More infoAdd to Basket70 units in stock Westland Boost All Purpose Compost 25L £ 5.99More infoAdd to Basket91 units in stock Westland John Innes No.2 28L (Peat Free) £ 6.99More infoAdd to Basket70 units in stock Westland John Innes No.1 28L (Peat Free) £ 6.99More infoAdd to Basket70 units in stock Levington Compost Maker 3.5kg £ 8.99More infoOut of stock