Lawn Seeds Show filters Hide filters Filter products Clear selection Online availibility In stock, ready to order (9) (Brand) Miracle-Gro (5) Westland (9) Clear selection £ - Clear selection 1 - 14 of 14 productsItems per page1224364860AllSort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity Westland Gro-Sure Smart Seed 250m2 £ 79.99More infoAdd to Basket3 units in stock Westland Gro-Sure Multi-Purpose Lawn Seed 120m2 £ 37.99More infoAdd to Basket6 units in stock Westland Gro-Sure Fast Acting Lawn Seed 80m2 £ 24.99More infoAdd to Basket8 units in stock Westland Gro-Sure Fast Acting Lawn Seed 50m2 £ 16.99More infoAdd to Basket11 units in stock Westland Gro-Sure Hard Wearing Lawn Seed 30m2 £ 13.99More infoAdd to Basket16 units in stock Westland Gro-Sure Multi-Purpose Lawn Seed 50m2 £ 16.99More infoAdd to Basket11 units in stock Miracle-Gro Patch Magic Jug 1015g £ 13.99More infoAdd to Basket4 units in stock Westland Gro-Sure Fast Acting Lawn Seed 10m2 (+30% Free) £ 7.99More infoAdd to Basket84 units in stock Westland Gro-Sure Multi-Purpose Lawn Seed 10m2 (+30% Free) £ 5.99More infoAdd to Basket21 units in stock Miracle-Gro Patch Magic Bag 3.6kg £ 36.99More infoOut of stock Miracle-Gro Patch Magic Bag 1.5kg £ 25.99More infoOut of stock Miracle-Gro Thick Seed Fertilizing Soil 80m2 £ 18.99More infoOut of stock Miracle-Gro Patch Magic Dog Spot 1293g £ 16.99More infoOut of stock Westland Gro-Sure Shady Lawn Seed 10m2 £ 9.99More infoOut of stock