Planters Show filters Hide filters Filter products Clear selection Online availibility In stock, ready to order (2) (Material) Wood (15) Clear selection (Brand) Charles Taylor (11) Smart Garden (2) Zest 4 Leisure (4) Clear selection £ - Clear selection 1 - 17 of 17 productsItems per page1224364860AllSort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity Charles Taylor Wooden Trough - Medium £ 29.99More infoAdd to Basket8 units in stock Charles Taylor Kensington Planter - Regular £ 29.99More infoAdd to Basket2 units in stock Zest Deep Root Planter 1.8m £ 139.99More infoOut of stock Charles Taylor Kensington Planter - Large £ 54.99More infoOut of stock Zest Vegetable Bed 1m £ 99.99More infoOut of stock Charles Taylor Kensington Planter - Extra Large £ 64.99More infoOut of stock Charles Taylor Wiltshire Planter - Large £ 64.99More infoOut of stock Charles Taylor Wooden Trough - Extra Large £ 44.99More infoOut of stock Charles Taylor Wooden Planter - Large £ 29.99More infoOut of stock Zest Shrewsbury Planter £ 59.99More infoOut of stock Charles Taylor Wiltshire Planter - Medium £ 54.99More infoOut of stock Charles Taylor Wooden Trough - Large £ 44.99More infoOut of stock Charles Taylor Wiltshire Planter - Small £ 29.99More infoOut of stock Charles Taylor Wooden Planter - Small £ 19.99More infoOut of stock Zest Tiverton Planter £ 16.99More infoOut of stock Smart Garden 11" Ribbed Planter - Ivory £ 8.99More infoOut of stock Smart Garden 9" Rustic Rope Handled Planter £ 7.99More infoOut of stock